We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they're called memories. Some take us forward, they're called dreams. ~Jeremy Iron.
Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, and the things you never want to lose. ~Kevin Arnold
I have learned, throughout the course of my loooooong <cough> life, that you are always spending time doing something, no matter what you're doing. So, ya might as well do something that's worth while and make every moment count. Yes, I know that sounds cliche, but I'm simply stating the truth. : )
Anyways, my weekend is what I would consider 'time well spent,' and not a weekend that I'm longing to forget any time soon. I went up to my 'cousin's' surprise...boy was she surprised, birthday party. Food, fun, laughter...oh and don't forget the presents, presents are important. : ) And the window markers....can I claim that I'm innocent? Pretend I had NOTHING to do with that? :)
Amidst the shock, the laughter, the inside jokes and everything in between, time spent with friends and 'family' can give you memories that will last a lifetime, memories that will help you through the struggles in life, memories that will be shared around the dinner table in years to come, precious memories that cannot be replaced. So, here's to making every moment count, whether you're sharing a secret with your best friend or in a group of people joking around, or sitting around the coffee table with just a few people talking about what kind of person suits what kind of person. (Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm innocent as far as who started THAT conversation.) But, point being made, don't take anything for granted. You never know when your last chance will be, you never know what memories you'll make in a day or what they'll mean to you in years to come. So, take life and live it to it's fullest, be all you can be and never settle for less than the best. :) This makes me happy. ;) (Just another precious memory.)
Sunshine :)