So, maybe this is just me and I'm the only one who feels as though I really need to make a change. To become the lady God created me to be. I won't deny that it's possible, considering all of the wonderful lady friends I have who are so accomplished and who I look up to so much. If so, this post will simply help me to say the things that are on my heart and will be a reflecting point for me in the future. If not, I pray this encourages other ladies out there to reach their full potential. To not sit silently on the sidelines, but to be willing to take the challenge to become the lady God always intended them to be.
I'm going to speak from my own experience, because I can't say what others are feeling or what they want to accomplish. But for the last few years, I feel like I haven't gone many places with my life. That's not to say that I haven't had many blessings and that there aren't areas where I have changed tremendously. I've been blessed with an incredible boyfriend who encourages me, lifts me up and helps me to become a stronger person, just by being with him. I have grown in the Lord in ways that I never thought possible. I've travelled, I've attended some college classes and I can truly say I am not who I used to be. But that doesn't stop the thought from I really happy with who I am now? Have I really accomplished all that the Lord would have me to do? I would encourage all young and older ladies alike to take a look, to see where their heart lies. Because where the heart is, there will the treasures be also.
Is it time to make a move? Have you been looking in the mirror every morning and thinking, I don't like what I see? I want to address this first because I know it is a common feeling amongst girls in general. Now, I'm not saying that it's wrong to want to be healthy, to be fit, to be pretty. That is in a woman for a reason, a God-given desire that we should honor. I do think it's wrong though, to look in the mirror every morning and say, "I am so ugly." You are a creation of the almighty God. Created in His image, made in His likeness. When He made you, He made a beautiful you and He loved you so much that he was willing to die on the cross for you. To raise for you. To pull you into His arms, wipe away your tears and say, "Everything's okay now, my Love."
And here we stand, looking in the mirror and saying, "But, I'm not as pretty as those girls." Or, "My personality isn't as happy, isn't as witty, isn't as fun as hers." Any time we do that, we are accepting the lie of the devil. We're allowing ourselves to be pulled down and manipulated into changing from who we really are into someone else, who we really are not. This is not to say that a girl ought to eat pure junk, refuse to exercise and sit around on the internet all day. Remember, this is coming from MY heart, I'm only speaking to myself.:) Our bodies are a temple of the Lord. I believe we ought to take care of them and treat them right. I think it is a GOOD thing when a girl is willing to exercise, to eat healthy. I didn't say to eat nothing, I said to eat a healthy diet. I think it's great when a girl wants to be pretty. To be perfectly honest, when I dress up I feel good about myself. It puts a smile on my face and a spring in my step. I am just saying it is time to stop putting ourselves down and realize who we are in the Lord. <3
I also think it's time to take a deep look at my character. I never want to be found as the girl who's beauty is only skin deep. To be honest, a girl can have all the perfect looks; but if she has no character, her beauty seems to fade. When we spend time cultivating our walk with the Lord our whole attitude changes. A smile seems to creep up from nowhere. There's an atmosphere around a person who is prayed up that no one can duplicate. People want to be around them because there is a peace there that wordly entertainment cannot bring. Which leads me to my next subject.
I know that I spend way to much time with technology. What, with social media (which is how some of you may find this), games, pinterest and a variety of other things, it can be hard to draw back and enter into time with your family and friends who are present. When we moved into our new house, we didn't have internet for the first few days because we had to wait for it to be set up. I did have internet on my phone, but it's not the same. It didn't have the same pull. You know what? It was great! I felt like I had a life. I could pick up a book and just read. I could go outside whenever I wanted because I had nothing pulling me. I spent more time with my dad and we grew closer. Family life became more important as the worldy entertainment faded from view. I believe that the internet truly can hold a person back from going where they could in life. There are ambitions I have that I simply have not done. Am I hiding a talent? Possibly. But I can't discover it if I don't take them time to find it.
I think it's time to step back, to see where the strongholds are in our lives, and break them. I think it's time to pursue our dreams and ambitions, to pick up a book instead of a dvd, to go places and do things. I think it's time to become a true friend. To just drop by with a basket of goodies and a good chat. I think it's time to let go of all of the things that are holding us back and start living a full life. Time to start trying new things, going new places and reaching for our goals. Some dreams will take time, but the time will pass whether you're pursuing being a true lady of God, or still serving idols of this world. Which is more rewarding? Will you take the challenge?
Lord Bless,
P.S. This didn't come out how I intended it to, but I hope it can encourage others just like it has me.:)