Today I got a little antsy about how my house looked. We all know what happens next. Time to rearrange! I took a couple of shelving units that I have in a nook in my kitchen and arranged them different...added some new sites and took some old away. After doing this, I got to thinking.
There are so many people in this world who have all that money can buy. They have gorgeous homes, beautiful decor, and absolutely no peace. When one walks into their home, it is often cold and unwelcoming. They work from dawn 'til dusk, even though they really have no need of overtime. Their family never eats together, and when they have friends over it's nothing but a stressful affair.
Then there are those who live week to week, they have to cut corners just to get their bills paid. They don't live in the largest house on the block, nor the fanciest. Rather than running out and buying their newest fancy, they take what they have and arrange it to suit what they need. They often get things free or from yard sales, and they utilize even the smallest things, just to make what they have into a beautiful home. Yet, with all of their struggles, friends and family instantly recognize their home as a haven where they can escape worldly cares. They come over just to sit and sip coffee when they need an oasis to recharge in. The family is happy, they eat meals together and look forward to inviting company over.
If a person went off of the first sentence in each paragraph, it would be easy to choose to be the first family. Yet thinking about it closely, if I had to pick, I would much rather be the humble homemaker. The one who maybe doesn't have much. But she has peace and love and a happy family surrounding her.
I know this is chopping, having quite the time expressing myself.:) But, think about it. And never forget to be glad for what you have. <3
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